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Drinking Water

Safe, reliable drinking water that can be easily transported, and has an ultra long shelf life. Aluminum cans and pouches are small and easy to carry in backpacks or other emergency kits. If you are currently stocking plastic bottles that need rotated every 6-12 months, this is a superior option. Shelf life of our water products is 5+ years and can withstand extreme temperatures.

Canned Water

Water in Cans – We source directly from the most trusted brands in the industry. Blue Can uses sterilized and hermetically sealed 12oz aluminum cans under pressure, boasting a shelf life of 10 years, even under high temperatures. Cans are not recommended for extreme cold storage conditions, but the water pouches are ideal in freezing temperatures.

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Water Pouches

When you don’t have much room, water pouches make a great way to have individual water rations handy. Easily tuck our 4.2 oz water pouches into medical or emergency kits. Water pouches are ideal in extreme temperature environment such as in cars or kept outside. Pouches can freeze and thaw with no impact on water quality or the integrity of the pouch.

To Order in Bulk call 800-773-7737, email

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